La drumetia tematica, organizata la Cetatea Neagra de Asociatia Pro Codlea, in data de 14 mai 2011, au participat in jur de 90 de persoane cu varste cuprinse intre 4 si 70 de ani. A fost o drumetie minunata, unde cu totii ne-am simtit foarte bine, Cavalerii Teutoni ne-au insotit de-a lungul drumului si ne-au incantat cu costumele si recuzita lor. Sus “in Cetate” prin frecventele undei radio s-a luat legatura cu mai multe localitati din tara, cu mai multe tari din Europa si nu numai.
S-a tras cu arcul, au fost lupte intre Cavaleri, am ascultat povesti despre Cavalerii Teutoni, etc.
Toti cei care au participat la aceasta drumetie au fost serviti cu tocana de cartofi si castraveciori murati. Multumim bucatarilor, a fost o tocana delicioasa.
Multumim celor care au participat. Ne-am intors cu veselie si voie buna din aceasta drumetie si ne dorim sa repetam asemenea actiuni.
S-a utilizat indicativul YO6KNX/p in zona YOFF-177 (rezervatia naturala muntele Magura). Am lucrat si pentru Cetatea Neagra pe care speram ca din iunie 2011 sa incepem sa o reconstruim pe baza planurilor originale pe care o fundatie din Germania le va trimite la Codlea in aceasta saptamana.
S-au facut peste 80 de legaturi in 7 MHz si pe repetorul de UUS R4. In QRP cu numai 10 w s-au lucrat statii din DL, HA, 9A, YO, I,LZ,SP,YU,ER,OK,UW1,S58,E77,LY,US5,PD0,EA. Pentru R4 s-a folosit o statie portabila de 1 W . Alimentarea s-a facut de la un acumulator auto de 12 V / 55 A.
Ne vom reauzi in iunie de la Cetatea Neagra de pe muntele Magura Codlei. YO6CUF.Coatu Cezar
Asociatia este o organizatie de sine statatoare, neguvernamentala, cu patrimoniu propriu si scop determinat, non profit, avand personalitate juridica conform legii. Este o organizatie a radioamatorilor care iubesc natura, vor sa popularizeze ecologia, protectia mediului, evenimente cu caracter ecologic,stiintific si artistic, prezentarea frumusetilor naturale, istoria si monumentele istorice din tara noastra.
15 mai 2011
10 mai 2011
In acest an, cea de a X-a editie a maratonului Castele europene se va desfasura in ziua de duminica, 15 mai 2011 , intre orele 06:00 si 16:00 (UTC).
Scopul lui este de a populariza programele de diplome din tarile europene dedicat castelelor si cetatilor.
Modul de lucru: SSB si CW. Benzile de lucru : 80m-10m (nu se lucreaza in noile benzi WARC).
A.Operatori care lucreaza din interiorul zonei castelului.(statii portabile)
B.Operatori rezidenti sau care lucreaza din zona castelului de la o distanta de maxim 500 m.(statii fixe)
C.Alti radioamatori
Controale: A si B :RS(T) + nr. referinta castel;
Operatori din Franta: RS(T) + departamentul;
Ceilalti radioamatori: RS(T) + numere in serie incepand cu 001 si mai departe.
Punctaj/ QSO:
in 80 si 40 m: 1 punct
in 20 m: 3 puncte
in 15 m: 4 puncte
in 10 m: 5 puncte.
x10 pentru fiecare castel lucrat
x1 pentru fiecare departament francez lucrat sau tara DXCC .
Scor final: total puncte x ( multiplicatoare castele +departamente + tari DXCC)
Logul se trimite pana la 30 iunie 2011 la F6FNA.
Precizari: acelasi castel lucrat odata in SSB si odata in CW ofera doi multiplicatori ( multiplicatori pe banda si mod de lucru).
Franta este considerata tara MULTIPLICATOR.
Intre doua legaturi cu aceasi statie , odata in SSB si odata in CW este necesar un interval de timp de minim 30 minute.
Cupe pentru cei care lucreaza in portabil de la castele; Cupe pentru cei rezidenti la castele sau in zona lor (statii fixe).
Cupe pentru ceilalti participanti la maraton.
Legaturile statiilorparticipante sunt valabile daca apareti in logurile a cel putin 5 statii ce au participat si trimis log la organizator.
Logurile se vor trimite prin e-mail.
Se poate folosi un soft special pentru acest maraton ce se descarca gratuit de la adresa:
Textul original e prezentat mai jos, eu am incercat sa traduc in romana pentru a fi mai usor de inteles.
Scopul lui este de a populariza programele de diplome din tarile europene dedicat castelelor si cetatilor.
Modul de lucru: SSB si CW. Benzile de lucru : 80m-10m (nu se lucreaza in noile benzi WARC).
A.Operatori care lucreaza din interiorul zonei castelului.(statii portabile)
B.Operatori rezidenti sau care lucreaza din zona castelului de la o distanta de maxim 500 m.(statii fixe)
C.Alti radioamatori
Controale: A si B :RS(T) + nr. referinta castel;
Operatori din Franta: RS(T) + departamentul;
Ceilalti radioamatori: RS(T) + numere in serie incepand cu 001 si mai departe.
Punctaj/ QSO:
in 80 si 40 m: 1 punct
in 20 m: 3 puncte
in 15 m: 4 puncte
in 10 m: 5 puncte.
x10 pentru fiecare castel lucrat
x1 pentru fiecare departament francez lucrat sau tara DXCC .
Scor final: total puncte x ( multiplicatoare castele +departamente + tari DXCC)
Logul se trimite pana la 30 iunie 2011 la F6FNA.
F6FNA, Lehembre J.Pierre
8, rue de Verdun
77270 Villeparisis
email Precizari: acelasi castel lucrat odata in SSB si odata in CW ofera doi multiplicatori ( multiplicatori pe banda si mod de lucru).
Franta este considerata tara MULTIPLICATOR.
Intre doua legaturi cu aceasi statie , odata in SSB si odata in CW este necesar un interval de timp de minim 30 minute.
Cupe pentru cei care lucreaza in portabil de la castele; Cupe pentru cei rezidenti la castele sau in zona lor (statii fixe).
Cupe pentru ceilalti participanti la maraton.
Legaturile statiilorparticipante sunt valabile daca apareti in logurile a cel putin 5 statii ce au participat si trimis log la organizator.
Logurile se vor trimite prin e-mail.
Se poate folosi un soft special pentru acest maraton ce se descarca gratuit de la adresa:
Textul original e prezentat mai jos, eu am incercat sa traduc in romana pentru a fi mai usor de inteles.
7 mai 2011
Radioamatorism in 6 limbi (ghid de conversatie), daca doriti.
Multumesc pe aceasta cale din nou lui YO4PX pentru ajutorul dat celor ce sunt la inceput de drum in radioamatorism, dar si celor mai varsnici, dar care" nu le au" cu limbile straine (HI !)
6 mai 2011
Vineri, 13 mai 2011, vom merge la Cetatea Neagra-Codlea, ruinele ei fiind amplasate la circa 980 m altitudine pe muntele Magura Codlei. A fost construita la 1211 de cavalerii teutoni veniti impreuna cu sasii ce au intemeiat orasul Codlea. Colegii nostrii de la asociatia Pro Codlea ne-au invitat si pe noi sa participam la aceasta aniversare (800 de ani de la constructia ei) prin deplasarea acolo si lucu cu statiile radio in US si UUS. Fiind si in rezervatia Magura YOFF-126, vom da puncte pentru 3 diplome : Rezervatii naturale, Cetati medievale si SOS Natura. Vrem, daca vremea este buna sa stam vineri si sambata acolo si sa facem si ceva cercetari arheologice, fotografii si repararea cailor de acces . Mai multe detalii in curand. anii 1211-1225 in Tara Barsei se afla Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni. Pentru apararea tarii ridica 5 cetati, intre acestea si Cetatea Neagra pe un varf de deal, de 980m, aflat la poalele Magurii Codlei. Cetatea se afla la asa-zisul Drum al Sasilor, drum care lega Tara Barsei de Provincia Sibiului. Cetatea este mentionata prima data in documente in 1265 ca si castro Feketewholum. Dupa retragerea teutonilor cetatea intra sub ocrotirea regelui maghiar. Printul mostenitor maghiar, Stefan se refugiaza in 1267 in Cetatea Neagra, din fata tatalui sau, Bela IV., trebuind in cele din urma sa se predea dupa o rezistenta indelungata. In anul 1307, contele Salomon de Brassou, care se rasculase impotriva regelui Carol Robert ocupa cetatea. Cetatea, pe care le-o incredintase rudelor sale, Johannes si Jakobus, fii lui Nicolaus Magnus de Rosnou, este predata de catre acestia in 1331 din nou regelui. Probabil ca la invazia tatarilor din 1345 Cetatea Neagra a fost distrusa si nu a mai fost reconstruita. Drumul Sasilor a fost abandonat, pentru ca noi drumuri legau acum Tara Barsei de restul Transilvaniei. In harta sa a Transilvaniei, din 1532, Johannes Honterus plaseaza la acest drum vechi si o einsydl, un adapost, o cabana pentru colonisti, care exista inca aici la acea data. anii 1211-1225 in Tara Barsei se afla Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni. Pentru apararea tarii ridica 5 cetati, intre acestea si Cetatea Neagra pe un varf de deal, de 980m, aflat la poalele Magurii Codlei. Cetatea se afla la asa-zisul Drum al Sasilor, drum care lega Tara Barsei de Provincia Sibiului. Cetatea este mentionata prima data in documente in 1265 ca si castro Feketewholum. Dupa retragerea teutonilor cetatea intra sub ocrotirea regelui maghiar. Printul mostenitor maghiar, Stefan se refugiaza in 1267 in Cetatea Neagra, din fata tatalui sau, Bela IV., trebuind in cele din urma sa se predea dupa o rezistenta indelungata. In anul 1307, contele Salomon de Brassou, care se rasculase impotriva regelui Carol Robert ocupa cetatea. Cetatea, pe care le-o incredintase rudelor sale, Johannes si Jakobus, fii lui Nicolaus Magnus de Rosnou, este predata de catre acestia in 1331 din nou regelui. Probabil ca la invazia tatarilor din 1345 Cetatea Neagra a fost distrusa si nu a mai fost reconstruita. Drumul Sasilor a fost abandonat, pentru ca noi drumuri legau acum Tara Barsei de restul Transilvaniei. In harta sa a Transilvaniei, din 1532, Johannes Honterus plaseaza la acest drum vechi si o einsydl, un adapost, o cabana pentru colonisti, care exista inca aici la acea data.
5 mai 2011
Sun, May 1, 2011 4:07:58 PM
Un bun ajutor pentru cei care vor sa afle tainele lucrului la DX.
Mai recomand si:
A aparut astazi in traducerea mea GHIDUL DX-MANULUI INCEPATOR, o noua lucrare educationala pentru amatorii YO.
Detalii pe
Informarea pe toate caile privind aceasta aparitie va fi binevenita.
Eventuale comentarii pot fi postate in josul paginii Ghidului. Va multumesc.
Lectura si utilizare placuta!
Francisc Grünberg, YO4PX
(The New DXer's Handbook, © 2010-2011)
Traducere şi prezentare
de Francisc Grünberg, YO4PX
cu permisiunea autoruluide Francisc Grünberg, YO4PX
Un bun ajutor pentru cei care vor sa afle tainele lucrului la DX.
Mai recomand si:
de Mark Demeuleneere, ON4WW
Traducere de Francisc Grünberg, YO4PX
3 mai 2011
link-uri pentru diplome internationale valabile
In curand si alte link-uri de diplome.
In curand si alte link-uri de diplome.
1 mai 2011
"Russian Baltica" Award
The Russian Baltica Award has been instituted by Russian Robinson Club and will be issued to any amateur radio operator or SWL who can provide confirmation of contacts with (or reports from) Russia's Baltic Sea Islands. Islands and groups of islands qualifying for the award are listed below.
There are three classes:
The application must be based on the received QSL cards and be signed by two licensed amateurs verifying that QSL cards for all contacts as listed have been seen. The RBA manager reserves the right to request any specific cards to satisfy any doubt whatsoever.
The application should be sent to award manager:
Award fee is $10 or €10 for each class certificate, IRCs are accepted as $1 each.
Payment through PayPal is possible. Details you can get to know from Andrey RN1CW .
Award manager address:Petushkov Andrey Aleksandrovich (RN1CW), P.O.Box 340/5, Sosnovy Bor, Leningradskaya oblast, 188540, Russia
There are three classes:
- European stations:
- Сlass 1: 12 different islands
- Сlass 2: 9 different islands
- Сlass 3: 6 different islands
- Сlass 1: 7 different islands
- Сlass 2: 5 different islands
- Сlass 3: 3 different islands
The application must be based on the received QSL cards and be signed by two licensed amateurs verifying that QSL cards for all contacts as listed have been seen. The RBA manager reserves the right to request any specific cards to satisfy any doubt whatsoever.
The application should be sent to award manager:
Award fee is $10 or €10 for each class certificate, IRCs are accepted as $1 each.
Payment through PayPal is possible. Details you can get to know from Andrey RN1CW .
Award manager address:Petushkov Andrey Aleksandrovich (RN1CW), P.O.Box 340/5, Sosnovy Bor, Leningradskaya oblast, 188540, Russia
List of islands qualifying for the award | ||
RRA Nr | IOTA | Island name |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
RR-01-01 | EU-117 | Malyy Vysotskiy Is. |
RR-01-02 | EU-133 | Berezovyy Islands (incl. Bolshoy Berezovyy Is.) |
RR-01-03 | EU-133 | Moschnyy Is. |
RR-01-04 | EU-133 | Gogland Is. |
RR-01-06 | EU-133 | Kotlin Is.(incl. Fort Tolbukhin) |
RR-01-07 | Rybachiy Is. | |
RR-01-08 | Fort Totleben Is. (aka Totleben Is.) | |
RR-01-09 | Severnyy Fort Is. | |
RR-01-10 | EU-133 | Seskar Is. |
RR-01-11 | EU-133 | Verperluda Is. |
RR-01-12 | Yuzhye Forty (incl. Fort Pavel Is. and Fort Milutin Is.) | |
RR-01-13 | Polosari Islands | |
RR-01-14 | Vysotskiy Is. | |
RR-01-15 | EU-133 | Kubenskiy Is. |
RR-01-16 | Krayniy Is. | |
RR-01-17 | EU-133 | Reymosar Is. |
RR-01-18 | Stirsuddenskiy Is. (incl. Rifovyj Is.) | |
RR-01-19 | Dalniy Is. | |
RR-01-20 | Nasypnoy Is. | |
RR-01-21 | Pribrezhnaya Kosa Islands | |
RR-01-22 | EU-133 | Virginy Islands |
RR-01-23 | EU-133 | Bolshoy Tyuters Isl. |
RR-01-24 | EU-133 | Malyj Tyuters Isl. |
RR-01-25 | Damba Isl. | |
RR-01-26 | EU-133 | Nerva Isl. |
RR-01-27 | EU-133 | Bolshoy Fiskar Isl. |
RR-01-28 | Vetryanoj Isl. | |
RR-01-29 | Islands near town Matrosovo | |
RR-01-30 | Kamyshevyj Isl. | |
RR-01-31 | Grafskiye Islands | |
"Castles and Palaces of Belarus" Award
The Award is given for two-way QSO or SWL-report with Belarussian places who having old castles and palaces.
EU-stations need to have QSOs(SWLs) with 10 places, DX-stations need to have QSOs(SWLs) with 5 places.
For every additional 5 places you can get a Sticker.
All your QSO/SWL, even those you have made with your old personal callsign, on any bands and in any mode, are also valid.
Your aplication (or GCR-list - General Certification Rule) should be signed by two HAMs.
The application with a payment should be sent to LY2MW to the following address: Remigijus Vaicius, LY2MW, P.O.Box 1029, Vilnius LT-2000, Lithuania
Award fee is $5 or 10 IRC. Sticker fee is $0.5 or 1 IRC for each.
EU-stations need to have QSOs(SWLs) with 10 places, DX-stations need to have QSOs(SWLs) with 5 places.
For every additional 5 places you can get a Sticker.
All your QSO/SWL, even those you have made with your old personal callsign, on any bands and in any mode, are also valid.
Your aplication (or GCR-list - General Certification Rule) should be signed by two HAMs.
The application with a payment should be sent to LY2MW to the following address: Remigijus Vaicius, LY2MW, P.O.Box 1029, Vilnius LT-2000, Lithuania
Award fee is $5 or 10 IRC. Sticker fee is $0.5 or 1 IRC for each.
Castles of Belarus List CPBA-Castles | ||||||
№ | WCA Nr | Name | Oblast | Prefix | Location | |
CPBA-CA-01 | EW-00001 | Castle Pishchaly | Minsk City | EU5 | Minsk City | |
CPBA-CA-02 | EW-00002 | Castle Borisov | Minsk | EU2 | Borisov | |
CPBA-CA-03 | EW-00003 | Castle Zaslavl' | Minsk | EU2 | Zaslavl' | |
CPBA-CA-04 | EW-00004 | Castle Kamensky | Minsk | EU2 | Volozhin | |
CPBA-CA-05 | EW-00005 | Castle Koidanovsky | Minsk | EU2 | Dzerzhinsk | |
CPBA-CA-06 | EW-00006 | Nesvizh Castle | Minsk | EU2 | Nesvizh | |
CPBA-CA-07 | EW-00007 | Castle Smilovichi | Minsk | EU2 | Smilovichi | |
CPBA-CA-08 | EW-00008 | Castle Belavezhsky | Brest | EU3 | Belaya Vezha | |
CPBA-CA-09 | EW-00009 | Kamenets Tower | Brest | EU3 | Kamenets | |
CPBA-CA-10 | EW-00010 | Kossovo Castle | Brest | EU3 | Kossovo | |
CPBA-CA-11 | EW-00011 | Castle Ruzhany | Brest | EU3 | Ruzhany | |
CPBA-CA-12 | EW-00012 | Castle Geranensky | Grodno | EU4 | Iv'e | |
CPBA-CA-13 | EW-00013 | Golshany Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Golshany | |
CPBA-CA-14 | EW-00014 | Old Grodno Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Grodno City | |
CPBA-CA-15 | EW-00015 | New Grodno Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Grodno City | |
CPBA-CA-16 | EW-00016 | Krevo Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Krevo | |
CPBA-CA-17 | EW-00017 | Lida Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Lida | |
CPBA-CA-18 | EW-00018 | Lyubcha Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Lyubcha | |
CPBA-CA-19 | EW-00019 | Castle Mir | Grodno | EU4 | Mir | |
CPBA-CA-20 | EW-00020 | Novogrudok Castle | Grodno | EU4 | Novogrudok | |
CPBA-CA-21 | EW-00021 | Smolyany Castle | Vitebsk | EU6 | Smolyany | |
CPBA-CA-22 | EW-00022 | Vitebsk Castle | Vitebsk | EU6 | Vitebsk City | |
CPBA-CA-23 | EW-00023 | Polotsk Castle | Vitebsk | EU6 | Polotsk | |
CPBA-CA-24 | EW-00024 | Bobruisk Fortress | Mogilev | EU7 | Bobruisk | |
CPBA-CA-25 | EW-00025 | Bykhov Castle | Mogilev | EU7 | Bykhov | |
CPBA-CA-26 | EW-00026 | Mozyr Castle | Gomel | EU8 | Mozyr |
“W-28-M” (The “Worked 28-Meridian” Award).
The Belarussian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen grants the W-28-M Award for having conducted two-way radio communications with amateur radio stations from countries situated along the 28 meridian. SWLs can receive the award at the same conditions.
The basic diploma is granted for 15 countries confirmed. A Honor Sticker is granted for QSOs/SWLs with all 20 countries of the Award’s list.
Countries valid for the diploma are:
An application – GCR list must be duly verified by a local club or two local radioamateurs. The Award Commitee can require any QSL for a check up.
The Award cost is:
Mrs Valentina A. Sidorova,
(EU1AAA, Award Manager)
P.O.Box 469
Minsk 220050
Republic of Belarus.
The basic diploma is granted for 15 countries confirmed. A Honor Sticker is granted for QSOs/SWLs with all 20 countries of the Award’s list.
Countries valid for the diploma are:
- LA – Norway
- OH – Finland
- ES – Estonia
- UA1 – Russia
- YL – Latvia
- EU – Belarus
- UR - Ukraine
- ER – Moldova
- YO – Romania
- LZ - Bulgaria
- TA – Turkey
- SV5 – Dodecanese (Rhodos Island)
- SU – Egypt
- ST – Sudan
- 9Q – Zaire
- 9J – Zambia
- Z2 – Zimbabwe
- A2 – Botswana
- 7P – Lesotho
- ZS – South Africa.
An application – GCR list must be duly verified by a local club or two local radioamateurs. The Award Commitee can require any QSL for a check up.
The Award cost is:
For applicants from Belarus | For applicants from the CIS countries | For applicants from other countries | |
Basic Award | US$ 1.50 / 3 IRC | US$ 2.50 / 5 IRC | USD 5.00 / 10 IRC |
Honor Sticker | US$ 0.50 / 1 IRC | US$ 0.50 / 1 IRC | USD 1.00 / 2 IRC |
* Applicants from Belarus and the CIS countries can pay in local currency, where transfers to Belarus are allowed.
An application to be sent to:Mrs Valentina A. Sidorova,
(EU1AAA, Award Manager)
P.O.Box 469
Minsk 220050
Republic of Belarus.
“WARB Diploma” (Worked All Republic of Belarus)
The Belarussian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen grants the WARB Diploma to HAM/SWL for two-way communications or for radio observations for amateurs radio stations from all the six regions of Republic of Belarus and its capital, the town of Minsk.
An application for the diploma should reflect QSOs/SWLs with all the seven below listed regions with the following minimal per call area number of QSOs/SWLs.
An application for the diploma should be provided with a GCR list (a list of QSL-cards received, verified by a local club or by an official award manager). Call-signs in the application to be sorted in ascending order of figures in the call-signs.
An application, as well as a payment for the diploma to be sent to:
An application for the diploma should reflect QSOs/SWLs with all the seven below listed regions with the following minimal per call area number of QSOs/SWLs.
Names of regions of Republic of Belarus and the town of Minsk, as well as corresponding area designators in prefixes of Belarussian stations | Number of QSOs for applicants from Belarus | Number of QSOs for applicants from the CIS countries | Number of QSOs for applicants from other countries |
Town of Minsk - 1 Minsk region - 2 Brest region - 3 Grodno region - 4 Vitebsk region - 6 Mogilev region - 7 Gomel region - 8 | 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 | 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 | 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
Total QSOs with Belarussian stations | 50 | 25 | 15 |
Cost of the diploma: USD IRC | 1.50 3 | 2.00 5 | 5.00 10 |
QSO/SWL as from January 1, 1994 performed by any mode and on any band are valid. Only one QSO/SWL with each Belarussian station is valid for the diploma regardless bands or modes.
QSO/SWL with Belarussian stations using in their prefixes figures others than 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 8 are not valid for the diploma.An application for the diploma should be provided with a GCR list (a list of QSL-cards received, verified by a local club or by an official award manager). Call-signs in the application to be sorted in ascending order of figures in the call-signs.
An application, as well as a payment for the diploma to be sent to:
Mrs Valentina A. Sidorova,
(EU1AAA, Award Manager)
P.O.Box 469
Minsk 220050
Republic of Belarus.
(EU1AAA, Award Manager)
P.O.Box 469
Minsk 220050
Republic of Belarus.
The AMRS AWARD is an official award of ÖVSV, published by the AUSTRIAN MILITARY RADIO SOCIETY (AMRS) and considered of being one of the nicest looking awards in Austria. If you would like to fight for it, here are the rules.
Award rules:
1. You need a score of 20 points (Austrians need 30 points)
2. Valid are all contacts since January 1 th, 1961
3. Every AMRS member may be worked as often as you like but counts only 1 (one) point. BUT WATCH OUT.
!! There is an exception (see point 6) !!
4. Worked AMRS Club Stations, Contest Stations and Special Event Calls, will count 2 (two) Points. As already mentioned in pt. 2 " Valid are all contacts since January 1 th 1961 " we have them listed below! OE50AMRS, OE1XBH, OE1XRC, OE1XRC/90KK, OE1C, OE2XCW, OE2XCW/90KK, OE50XCW, OE2XRM, OE2XRM/90KK, OE50XRM, OE2M, OE3XBH, OE3XMA, OE50XMA, OE3XRC, OE3XRC/90KK, OE3C, OE3K, OE4A, OE4XLC, OE4XRC, OE4XRC/90KK, OE50XRC, OE4C, OE5XAM, OE5XAM/90KK, OE50XAM, OE5XCL, OE5XCL/90KK, OE50XCL, OE7XBH, OE7XBH/90KK, OE7XBH/WM05, OE7B, OE7F, OE8XBH, OE8XRC/90KK, OE2008B, OE2008C, OE2008P
5. “AMRS“ stations abroad either on military duty or even on vacation somewhere in the world counts for 3 (three) points. QSOs with an “AMRS“ station via satellite or EME count also 3 (three) points
6. If you work an certain AMRS member on DIFFERENT locations, EACH contact gives you 1 (one) or even MORE POINTS. e.g.:
OE8HFL (located in AUSTRIA) 1 Point
OE8HFL/5B4 (located in CYPRUS) 3 Points
5B4IJ (= OE8HFL) (located in CYPRUS) 3 Points
YK/OE8HFL (located in SYRIA) 3 Points
As a matter of fact you were working always the same operator “OE8HFL“ but you are getting 10 (ten) points for it. It's the callsign plus location what counts and NOT the operator!
7. The award may be worked by any licensed- or SWL station over the world. Any mode or band would be OK. This includes ALL the different digital modes as well - PACKET RADIO und ECHOLINK are NOT accepted.
8. One my apply for it in SINGLE- or MIXED mode.
Please send your application together with an excerpt of your LOG signed by 2 (two) fellow HAMs of your own choice to the AMRS AWARD Manager:
Karl SEEMANN OE011-0367
Gussriegelstrasse 45
Costs for the AWARD: 8 (eight) EURO or 15 (fifteen) US-DOLLAR. IRCs will not be accepted!
In certain cases the award manager ask you for the presentation of your QSLs.
Award rules:
1. You need a score of 20 points (Austrians need 30 points)
2. Valid are all contacts since January 1 th, 1961
3. Every AMRS member may be worked as often as you like but counts only 1 (one) point. BUT WATCH OUT.
!! There is an exception (see point 6) !!
4. Worked AMRS Club Stations, Contest Stations and Special Event Calls, will count 2 (two) Points. As already mentioned in pt. 2 " Valid are all contacts since January 1 th 1961 " we have them listed below! OE50AMRS, OE1XBH, OE1XRC, OE1XRC/90KK, OE1C, OE2XCW, OE2XCW/90KK, OE50XCW, OE2XRM, OE2XRM/90KK, OE50XRM, OE2M, OE3XBH, OE3XMA, OE50XMA, OE3XRC, OE3XRC/90KK, OE3C, OE3K, OE4A, OE4XLC, OE4XRC, OE4XRC/90KK, OE50XRC, OE4C, OE5XAM, OE5XAM/90KK, OE50XAM, OE5XCL, OE5XCL/90KK, OE50XCL, OE7XBH, OE7XBH/90KK, OE7XBH/WM05, OE7B, OE7F, OE8XBH, OE8XRC/90KK, OE2008B, OE2008C, OE2008P
5. “AMRS“ stations abroad either on military duty or even on vacation somewhere in the world counts for 3 (three) points. QSOs with an “AMRS“ station via satellite or EME count also 3 (three) points
6. If you work an certain AMRS member on DIFFERENT locations, EACH contact gives you 1 (one) or even MORE POINTS. e.g.:
OE8HFL (located in AUSTRIA) 1 Point
OE8HFL/5B4 (located in CYPRUS) 3 Points
5B4IJ (= OE8HFL) (located in CYPRUS) 3 Points
YK/OE8HFL (located in SYRIA) 3 Points
As a matter of fact you were working always the same operator “OE8HFL“ but you are getting 10 (ten) points for it. It's the callsign plus location what counts and NOT the operator!
7. The award may be worked by any licensed- or SWL station over the world. Any mode or band would be OK. This includes ALL the different digital modes as well - PACKET RADIO und ECHOLINK are NOT accepted.
8. One my apply for it in SINGLE- or MIXED mode.
Please send your application together with an excerpt of your LOG signed by 2 (two) fellow HAMs of your own choice to the AMRS AWARD Manager:
Karl SEEMANN OE011-0367
Gussriegelstrasse 45
Costs for the AWARD: 8 (eight) EURO or 15 (fifteen) US-DOLLAR. IRCs will not be accepted!
In certain cases the award manager ask you for the presentation of your QSLs.
C3 5W5 Award
1º- The award is open to amateurs anywhere in the world.
2º- The award is permanent.
3º- Eligible modes: SSB, CW, or MIXED.
4º- Eligible bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters.
5º- All contacts made after January 1, 1989 count towards the award.
6º- Applicants must contact a different Andorra station on each of the five bands required to obtain the Award.
7º- All contacts must be with a legally licensed station with a C3 prefix. Contacts with C3Ø stations are not eligible.
8º- QSLs confirming contacts meeting the above requirements should be sent to: U.R.A., P.O. BOX 1150, AD 553 - Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra.
2º- The award is permanent.
3º- Eligible modes: SSB, CW, or MIXED.
4º- Eligible bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters.
5º- All contacts made after January 1, 1989 count towards the award.
6º- Applicants must contact a different Andorra station on each of the five bands required to obtain the Award.
7º- All contacts must be with a legally licensed station with a C3 prefix. Contacts with C3Ø stations are not eligible.
8º- QSLs confirming contacts meeting the above requirements should be sent to: U.R.A., P.O. BOX 1150, AD 553 - Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra.
This certificate is awarded for working or hearing amateurs in European countries for a total score of at least 100 points.
Scoring: the idea is to work or hear as many European countries on different bands in different calendar years. There are no restrictions as to bands or modes.
Annual score: each confirmed country of WAE-Countrylist counts one point per year on each amateur band. Only the current and the five previous years are valid. Contacts older than five years are no longer countable
Total score: sum of the annual score for the year of application and the five preceding years.
Each certificate holder with an actual score of at least 300 points becomes eligible for the Honor Roll, which is published regularly in "CQ DL",and on the homepage of the DARC Committee for DX and HF-Contesting.
Cards can be submitted eeach year, before December 1st to be considered for listing in the Honor Roll.
Each certificate holder with an actual score of at least 300 points becomes eligible for the Honor Roll, which is published regularly in "CQ DL",and on the homepage of the DARC Committee for DX and HF-Contesting.
Cards can be submitted eeach year, before December 1st to be considered for listing in the Honor Roll.
EUROPE 300 TROPHY (Plaque)
Holders of the Europe Award may obtain the Europe 300 Trophy. Applicants must achieve 300 country points. Each country on each band counts only once in all the years. Example: 50 countries on 6 bands = 300 points. 10 countries on 9 bands + 20 countries on 6 bands + 15 countries on 5 bands + 5 countries on 3 bands = 300 points.
Franz Berndt, DL9GFB
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 1
D-18209 Bad Doberan
Franz Berndt, DL9GFB
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 1
D-18209 Bad Doberan
WAE - Worked All Europe
The oldest and most renowned of all DARC certificates is awarded for contacts with amateur stations in many European countries and on the European islands on different bands. Each confirmed country of WAE-Countrylist counts one point per band, with a maximum of five claimed bands per country. DX stations may count two points for any contact on 160 or 80 meters. The WAE award will be issued in all modes. Mixed mode is possible. The following classes are available:
- WAE I ,
- WAE-TOP und
The different classes require the number of WAE countries and bandpoints as tabulated below. Each WAE country counts for one point, but a maximum of 5 bandpoints may be used for one country. Stations from outside Europe may count two points for each QSO on 3,5MHz and 1,8MHz.
Class | Countries | Bandpoints |
WAE III | 40 | 100 |
WAE II | 50 | 150 |
WAE I | 60 | 200 |
Holders of the WAE I will receive a special WAE badge.
WAE-TOP Plaque
Unlike for the WAE I-II, deleted countries do not count for the WAE-Top plaque. The WAE-Top plaque requires 70 WAE countries and 300 bandpoints.
WAE-Top is issued in all modes, also mixed.
For the WAE Trophy all countries which are listed on the WAE Country List at the time of the application are valid. Deleted countries may not be counted. To apply for the WAE Trophy confirmation of contacts with every country on the WAE Country List is required on any five bands, and 370 bandpoints are required. All amateur radio bands are allowed. Stickers will be issued for the confirmation of contacts with each country on six or more bands. Candidates for this Trophy can participate in a Top List which can be accessed at the homepage of the DARC Committee for DX and HF-Contesting.
WAE Classic
This WAE award will be issued with the original rules. The WAE Classic is a single mode award issued in 2x CW or 2x Phone in the WAE Classes I, II or III. Only contacts on 1,8 MHz, 3,5 MHz, 7 MHz, 14 MHz, 21 MHz and 28 MHz will be counted. Four bands can be counted for each country with an extra point issued for contacts with the same station on five bands.
Wolfgang Böhmer DF8AA
Am Wasserwerk 4
01796 Pirna
Am Wasserwerk 4
01796 Pirna
Europa-DX-Diplom (EU-DX-D)
Ideea de bază a acestei diplome este o combinaţie proporţională a tarilor din Europa şi contacte DX într-un an calendaristic.
Acesta este în modul de 2x CW, SSB şi 2x mixte.
Pentru a obţine diploma de bază sunt necesare un minim de 50 de ţări în termen de un an.
Sunt necesaare legaturi cu 20 de ţări din Europa şi 30 în afara Europei .
Fiecare ţară este în valoare de un punct, iar pe 80 şi 160 m de 2 puncte.
Toate benzile de radioamatori sunt permise.
Aplicaţi lista ţărilor WAE europene, lista DXCC ţară pentru ţările non-europene.
Puncte suplimentare sunt acordate pentru fiecare bloc nou de 4 şi 6 ţări europene ,respectiv DX.
Propunerile de ani mai multi în care aceleaşi reguli să fie 50 de ani sau mai multe puncte realizate, creşte punctajul total.
Pentru 50 puncte total, indiferent de rezultat anual este un autocolant eliberat.
Pentru 500 de puncte o insigna de onoare este acordată.
20 UE + 30 DX in 2001 = 50 de puncte /an 2001
28 UE + 42 DX in 2000 = 70 de puncte/an 2000
32 UE + 48 DX in 1999 = 80 de puncte/an 1999
împreună total de 200 puncte, 4 autocolante sunt eliberate.
The basic idea of this award is a proportional combination of European and DX contacts in one calendar year.
It is issued for the following classes: 2x CW, 2x SSB and mixed modes.
A minimum of 50 points is required for the EU-DX Award per year;
20 points must be obtained by contacts with European countries and 30 points by contacts with countries outside Europe.
Each country counts one point for 40 through 10 meters, and two points on 80 and 160 meters.
All bands may be used.
European countries are defined in the WAE country list, non-European countries in the valid DXCC list.
Bonus points can be obtained for any additional block of four European and six non-European countries within the same calendar year.
Each year's score may be added to obtain the EU-DX 500 badge, stickers will be awarded for any block of 50 points, regardless of the annual scores.
20 EU-points 2001 + 30 DX-points 2001 = 50 points for 2001,
28 EU-points 2000 + 42 DX-points 2000 = 70 points for 2000,
32 EU-points 1999 + 48 DX-points 1999 = 80 points for 1999,
total 200 points, i.e. four stickers.
EU-DX 1000 TROPHY (Plaque)
The trophy is awarded for a total of 1000 points, regardless of how many years are needed.
Dietmar Kasper, DL3DXX
Birkenweg 3
D-01796 Pirna-Jessen
Acesta este în modul de 2x CW, SSB şi 2x mixte.
Pentru a obţine diploma de bază sunt necesare un minim de 50 de ţări în termen de un an.
Sunt necesaare legaturi cu 20 de ţări din Europa şi 30 în afara Europei .
Fiecare ţară este în valoare de un punct, iar pe 80 şi 160 m de 2 puncte.
Toate benzile de radioamatori sunt permise.
Aplicaţi lista ţărilor WAE europene, lista DXCC ţară pentru ţările non-europene.
Puncte suplimentare sunt acordate pentru fiecare bloc nou de 4 şi 6 ţări europene ,respectiv DX.
Propunerile de ani mai multi în care aceleaşi reguli să fie 50 de ani sau mai multe puncte realizate, creşte punctajul total.
Pentru 50 puncte total, indiferent de rezultat anual este un autocolant eliberat.
Pentru 500 de puncte o insigna de onoare este acordată.
20 UE + 30 DX in 2001 = 50 de puncte /an 2001
28 UE + 42 DX in 2000 = 70 de puncte/an 2000
32 UE + 48 DX in 1999 = 80 de puncte/an 1999
împreună total de 200 puncte, 4 autocolante sunt eliberate.
The basic idea of this award is a proportional combination of European and DX contacts in one calendar year.
It is issued for the following classes: 2x CW, 2x SSB and mixed modes.
A minimum of 50 points is required for the EU-DX Award per year;
20 points must be obtained by contacts with European countries and 30 points by contacts with countries outside Europe.
Each country counts one point for 40 through 10 meters, and two points on 80 and 160 meters.
All bands may be used.
European countries are defined in the WAE country list, non-European countries in the valid DXCC list.
Bonus points can be obtained for any additional block of four European and six non-European countries within the same calendar year.
Each year's score may be added to obtain the EU-DX 500 badge, stickers will be awarded for any block of 50 points, regardless of the annual scores.
20 EU-points 2001 + 30 DX-points 2001 = 50 points for 2001,
28 EU-points 2000 + 42 DX-points 2000 = 70 points for 2000,
32 EU-points 1999 + 48 DX-points 1999 = 80 points for 1999,
total 200 points, i.e. four stickers.
EU-DX 1000 TROPHY (Plaque)
The trophy is awarded for a total of 1000 points, regardless of how many years are needed.
Dietmar Kasper, DL3DXX
Birkenweg 3
D-01796 Pirna-Jessen
Deutschland-Diplom (DLD)
The DLD Award is an official award of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) which is available to all licensed radio amateurs and short wave listeners (SWL).
The names of new award holders will be published in the DARC magazine „CQ DL“.
The names of new award holders will be published in the DARC magazine „CQ DL“.
All members of DARC and its associated club VFDB and club stations of both organizations are issued with a District Location Code (DOK). To qualify for DLD, applicants must submit QSL cards from licensed radio amateurs showing a certain number of DOKs worked or - for SWLs- heard.
If an applicant has changed his or her call sign, e.g., because their license class has changed, but remains in the same country, then DOKs worked under the previous call sign will continue to count for credit towards DLD.
a) DLD Award Classes and Modes
- DLD is issued separately for each amateur band.
- DLD is issued in different classes on each band as follows:
DLD 100, DLD 200, DLD 300, DLD 400, DLD 500 (with lapel badge),
DLD 600, DLD 700, DLD 800, DLD 900
and DLD 1000 (with engraved badge of honor). - For SWLs, the awards are known as DLD-SWL 100, DLD-SWL 200 etc. up to DLD-SWL 1000.
- All DLD Awards may be issued for mixed modes, or may be endorsed for single mode operation providing that is supported by QSL cards.
b) Conditions of Issue
- All modes permitted by the applicant's license may be used.
- The DLD Award will be issued initially when the applicant submits evidence of confirmed contacts with 100 different DOKs on a single band. For each additional 100 DOKs on the same band, the applicant may apply for the next class of DLD. Applicants may skip awards if they wish, i. e., it is not necessary to apply for a separate ward for each 100 DOKs worked.
- A DOK will only count if the station worked or heard is located in the Federal Republic of Germany at the time of the contact. Stations have only one DOK each and must only give out the DOK under which they are registered with DARC QSL Bureau. Special Event DOKs will be published in „CQ DL“.
- There will be a charge for the issue of the DLD Awards. Detail of charges will be published from time to time in „CQ DL“ and payment should be included with the application, or sent to the DARC in the form of a bank giro transfer.
Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V.
Lindenallee 4
34225 Baunatal
Lindenallee 4
34225 Baunatal
All valid DOKs are listed in the official DOK List. This list, which may also be used as an application form, is obtainable from DARC Publication. It is recommended that you use a separate list for each band.
A computer generated list will be accepted providing it uses the same format as the application from issued by DARC.
All applications must be verified by the applicant's local club or by an official Award Manager before forwarding to the DARC-HQ.
The DLD Award will be issued once the appropriate fee is received.
The award will be dispatched on receipt of the appropriate fee.
DLD 100 - 200 and 600 - 900 each | 10,- € or $ 10,00 |
DLD 300 - 500 (includes lapel pin) each | 13,- € or $ 13,00 |
DLD 1000 (includes engraved lapel pin) | 16,- € or $ 16,00 |
Andreas "Eddy" Herzig, DM5JBNBergring 5
08058 Zwickau