24 iunie 2014


Am decis ca sa fac o expeditie WFF prin rezervatiile din Europa centrala in perioada 24 iunie-4 iulie 2014.
Voi lucra din YO, HA, OE, OM, DL, HB9 si HB0. La Vaduz, in HB0 voi incerca o activitate de la unul din castelele din zona. In periplu ma vor insoti si alti radioamatori YO ce participa la Targul International din Germania, unul din ei fiind un alt ecologist membru ARER, Ovidiu- YO9XC.
 Traseul pentru deplasare este :
MIERCURI, 25.06.2014: VIENNA-MUNICH = 434 KM
TOTAL: 1545 KM
La inapoiere se va face urmatorul traseu:
Duminica, 29.06.2014: Friedrichshafen – Lindau(DL) - Bregenz (OE) – Haag (HB9) -Vaduz
Luni, 30.06.2014: Vaduz (HB0)- Widnau (HB9)-Bregenz (OE)-Munich (DL)- Siegsdorf (DL)
Marti, 1.07.2014: Siegsdorf (DL)- Salzburg (OE)- Amstetten (OE)- Vienna (OE).
Miercuri, 2.07.2014: Vienna (OE) – Bratislava (OM)-Trinava (OM)- Kunovo (OM)- Gyor (HA)
Joi: 3.07.2014: Gyor (HA)- Tatabanya (HA)-Budapesta (HA)- Kecskemet (HA)- Szeghed - Maco
(HA)- Nadlac (YO)- Arad .
Vineri, 4.07.2014 : Arad-Deva-Simeria-Hateg-Sebes (Alba)- Sibiu- Codlea- Brasov- Bucuresti.
Se vor lucra 6 tari straine, cate 2 rezervatii din fiecare (cel putin), circa 90 de minute/ rezervatie si
cu indicativul in mobil prin utilizarea unei antene Proxel Multiband , mai ales in 14,18 si 21 Mhz.
Vom avea la bord si o statie de 145 Mhz FM de circa 35 W cu antena verticala si talpa magnetica pe
Pe masina vor fi montate insemne ale FRR, ARER si drapelul Romaniei
Se vor face fotografii de la monumente istorice, castele si cetati, precum si din rezervatiile naturale
de unde se va lucra in portabil.
Asociatia Radioamatorilor Ecologisti din Romania (apartinand de FRR) va prezenta la standul
Romaniei un colaj de fotografii din activitatile de la Castele si cetati medievale, precum si din
Rezervatiile naturale ale Romaniei (YOFF) si de pe varfuri de munte (SOTA).
Vor fi prezentate si diplomele pe care le elibereaza ARER pe un panou special, un baner cu sigla
ARER si QSL-uri folosite in activitatile din Portabil. Vom avea si cateva pliante in engleza, pentru radioamatorii ce ne vor vizita, cu un istoric al ARER si o lista de membrii + programul de diplome la zi.

O harta cu deplasarea si zona in care vom lucra este mai jos.

7 iunie 2014


Sambata, pe 31 mai 2014, am mers la padurea de langa orasul Tg.Mures, unde am lucrat cu YO6CUF/ p.
Vremea a fost ploioasa, dar acest lucru nu a impiedicat traficul, din contra, propagarea a fost foarte buna si in circa 2 ore am facut peste 120 de legaturi radio.

Padurea este un loc de refugiu natural pentru sfarsitul de saptamana al multor cetateni din Tg. Mures.


Vineri, 30 mai 2014 am fost la Tg.Mures in interes de serviciu. Avand mult timp liber, mi-am propus sa lucrez vineri si sambata din diverse rezervatii naturale de linga Tg. Mures. Asa ca vineri am plecat spre Reghin, in comuna GLODENI, unde se afla rezervatia Padurea Glodeni -YOFF 339.
 Aici se afla si o mare populatie de berze care au cuiburile amplasate pe stalpii de tensiune, prin grija celor de la RENEL si a primariei Glodeni.

 La Glodeni am mers langa padure deoarece drumurile dupa ploaie erau desfundate si exista pericolul de a ma bloca acolo cu masina.
 Am montat antena, am pus in functiune echipamentul si am lucrat pe indicativul YO6CUF/p pentru circa 90 de minute un numar de 107 statii din Europa, Asia, Africa si Nord America cu antena de 14 MHz facuta pentru portabil din undita de fibra de sticla cu trei radianti.  Solul umed a functionat perfect ca o oglinda pentru undele radio.
 In zona sunt si mai multe balti (naturale sau amenajate) cu peste si unde cresc multe pasari in deplina siguranta.

La inapoierea in comuna, m-am oprit la parcul de la Scoala, unde exita un monument dedicat eroilor romani care au luptat in primul razboi mondial , iar tot acolo se afla numeroase statui in piatra cu busturile unor nobili maghiari care au trait in aceasta zona.

La plecarea din Glodeni am facut poze cu podul ce trece peste Mures vechi de peste 60 de ani.

La intoarcere am facut cateva poze in Tg. Mures.

6 iunie 2014



The YOFF team of SRR (The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs) and ARER (The Romanian Association of Environmentalists Radioamateurs) invite all the radioamateurs to join us in  GreenParty 2014
Purpose: to stimulate the ham operators to leave the house and involve in portable/outdoor operation related to the nature and ecology and to familiarize worldwide radioamateurs with protected natural areas.
Date: 7 June 2014 from 06.00 UTC to 7 June 17.59 UTC. Annual Saturday nearest 9th June
Mode: CW, PH(ssb), DG (psk, rtty) in each mode segment of band
Call: “CQ GP” or “cq greenparty”
Bands: 3,5; 7; 14; 21; 28 MHz
Categories of participation:
- one operator or multiple operators (only one signal per band)
- mixed, CW, PH, DG
- multi-band or mono-band
- High power, Low power (100W out) and QRP (5W out)
- indoor and outdoor stations
The SWL are welcome too. They must to record both calls in QSO
Report exchange: RS(T) + Number. You can work same station in CW, PH and DG mode, in same band, on their mode segment of band.
Number from indoor station is starting with 001 and increment with each QSO.
Number from outdoor station is fixed and is derived from reference code of protected natural area without the country code from where the outdoor station is located
(Ex: A station from YOFF-123 will send “599123”).
QSO indoor - indoor = 1 point
QSO indoor - other = 10 points
QSO outdoor – outdoor = 10 points
No multipliers.
The “indoor” stations which are permanent inside a natural protected area will count as a “outdoor” station and will send a control accordingly.
All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could affect their submitted score. Only the entrant’s call sign may be used to aid the entrant’s score.
Violation of amateur radio regulations or the rules of the contest; disrespect of hamspirit; taking credit for excessive unverifiable QSOs or multipliers; use of any non-amateur means of communication to SOLICIT, ARRANGE, or CONFIRM any contacts during or after the WWFF GREENPARTY will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification.
ANY use by an entrant of any non-amateur means including, but not limited to, telephones, email, Internet, Instant Messenger, chat rooms, VoIP, or the use of DX cluster to SOLICIT, ARRANGE, or CONFIRM any contacts during the GREENPARTY is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification.
Entrants must not exceed the maximum output power specified by their license, or the power limit of their entry category, whichever is less, on any band. Power is measured at the final output connector of the transmitter.
Self-spotting is not allowed.
All operation must take place from one operating site. Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee, whichever is greater. All antennas must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.
The entry location of a remote station is determined by the physical location of the transmitters, receivers, and antennas. A remote station must obey all station and category limitations.
The outdoor station will obey the specific rules of the natural protected area from which will operate (according to national laws and national WFF rules).
Final score: sum of points from all bands.
 Before sent out check with a text editor the Cabrillo files and be sure that is as above!
Last minute info Free contest software DXLOG by Chis 9A5K have a modul for WW GreenParty.
You can download it from: http://www.dxlog.net/
Also you can use any other programs with serial and constant number
Failure to fill out the header correctly may result in your entry being placed in the wrong category or reclassified as a checklog.
All the logs received will be checked and posted on the contest webpage.
We will announce the results will be in 30 days after the deadline as per above.
Appeals may be sent within 5 days from posting results date.
Organizer's decisions are final.

All participants will receive an electronically certificate.
Top ranked stations will be awarded and / or get trophies (depending on sponsorships)
They will be sent out from their team to winners within 60 days of publication of the results.
It is intended that each national team to help with a trophy or more.
You can take one from list!

Logs emailed after the deadline may be ineligible for any awards.
More info: yo6cuf@yahoo.ro

Mult succes in maratonul ecologic de sambata.  Cezar-YO6CUF